Core Gameplay Progress
SpeedRun Hero » Devlog
This month we actually managed to ink out some progress amind the numerous other projects and exams so here is a post or smt.
Things that are done
- Player base animations
- Player collisions
- Monsters animations
- Monters taking damage
- Mini Boss animations
- Mini Boss taking damage
Things that need doing
- Map layout
- Ingame menu
- Running/Guarding mechanics
- Gameplay fine tuning (speed/health/pickups/etc)
- Final Boss
- Boss Progress

- Player Progress

- Levels progress

- Monsters Progress
Get SpeedRun Hero
SpeedRun Hero
Run fast or DIE
Status | Prototype |
Authors | ceirinkushido, Zomann, metralhandre, goncalop98 |
Genre | Platformer |
Tags | Roguelite |
More posts
- Screenshots and videogameJun 18, 2019
- Description of the game and instructions to get / playJun 18, 2019
- TrailerJun 18, 2019
- World / Background DevelopmentApr 03, 2019
- Bosses DevelopmentApr 03, 2019
- Monsters DevelopmentApr 03, 2019
- Introduction and GoalsApr 03, 2019